Центр аккредитации по качеству в здравоохранении

15 years of accreditation system in Kazakhstan


In accordance with the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-227/2020 “On approval of the rules, terms for post-accreditation monitoring and revocation of a certificate of accreditation in the field of healthcare”, persons specified in paragraph 7 of Article 25 of the Code are subject to post-accreditation monitoring on the health of the people and the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accredited in the field of healthcare.

Post-accreditation monitoring is carried out in a planned manner once every 3 (three) years, but not earlier than 6 (six) months from the date of receipt of the accreditation certificate. The post-accreditation monitoring plan is posted on the website of the relevant body (organization) performing (carrying out) accreditation in the field of healthcare.

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Центр Аккредитации