An external comprehensive assessment is carried out by the Accreditation Center with the involvement of surveyors who meet the following criteria:
1. For surveyors-doctors:
medical degree;
overall work experience in health care organizations for at least seven years.
2. For surveyors-nurses:
secondary specialized or bachelor’s degree in nursing;
overall work experience in health care organizations for at least seven years.
3. For surveyors-administrators:
undergraduate or/and graduate degree in other professions;
overall work experience in health care organizations for at least seven years.
Program requirements:
Before starting the training program, it is necessary to familiarize and study the accreditation standards for medical organizations.
When applying for the surveyor training program, it is necessary to take a test to assess basic knowledge. Only when candidate passes threshold level (10 out of 15), he/she is invited to participate in the training.
100% attendance of the training program is required to be admitted to the final testing.
To become a surveyor, you need to complete 60 hours of training conducted by the Accreditation Center. Then participate in the external comprehensive assessment of medical organizations (in accreditation) as an intern-surveyor
Expected outcomes:
acquisition of knowledge by trainees in terms of applying the principles of accreditation in the field of healthcare;
acquisition of surveyor skills required for accreditation (external comprehensive assessment) of medical organizations;
application of methods and tools necessary for the accreditation of medical organizations;
knowledge of the methodology for preparing medical organizations for self-assessment;
knowledge and correct use of the information system (SUKMU) during accreditation;
knowledge of the main trends in the field of accreditation of medical organizations in the world;
becoming a surveyor of external comprehensive assessment to assess the implementation of accreditation standards in medical organizations.