Центр аккредитации по качеству в здравоохранении

15 years of accreditation system in Kazakhstan


The Accreditation Center for Quality in Healthcare signed a memorandum of cooperation with the PF “Union of Medical Workers “BalaJan”.

Within the framework of the memorandum, an agreement was reached to enrich the knowledge and experience of experts from both organizations through mutual cross-training. It is planned to involve experts from the BalaJan Foundation in the process of accreditation of obstetric services and PHC organizations, as well as to involve experts from the Accreditation Center in the procedure for assessing medical organizations for the implementation of the standards of the Baby Friendly Hospital program, based on the global recommendations of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The BalaJan Union of Medical Workers Public Foundation is a partner of the UNICEF office in Kazakhstan and for many years has been implementing programs aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of mothers and their children.

Since 2018, accreditation standards have requirements for a safe birth process and breastfeeding of newborns as part of the WHO and UNICEF recommendations.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to attract and mutually enrich the experience of our experts in activities aimed at improving the quality of medical services for pregnant women, women after childbirth and their families,” said the Chairman of the Accreditation Center, Kaupbayeva Botagoz Tuleugalievna and the President of the Public Foundation “BalaJan” Kurmangaliyeva Elnar Amangeldievna