Центр аккредитации по качеству в здравоохранении

15 years of accreditation system in Kazakhstan


On July 4, 2023, a solemn ceremony of awarding the Hospital for Civil Servants of the Mongolian People’s Republic was held. The event marks a significant milestone in the hospital’s commitment to excellence in healthcare, which has been accredited by the Accreditation Center for Quality in Healthcare (ACQH).

The Minister of Health of Mongolia S. Chinzorig, State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs Sainzorig, representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Mongolia Aidar Abishev and Member of the State Great Khural of Mongolia Beisen acted as participants in the celebration.

The ceremony demonstrated the clinic’s path to ACQH accreditation. The introduction of international standards through the hard work of the hospital staff and the consistent improvement in the quality of services have become the key to the successful completion of the accreditation process. This success of the hospital underlines the international level of the ACQH Accreditation Center and sets it as a benchmark in the regional segment. Now the clinic has become an example for other medical organizations in Mongolia, demonstrating the value and importance of constantly striving for excellence in healthcare
