Центр аккредитации по качеству в здравоохранении

15 years of accreditation system in Kazakhstan


From November 24 to November 28, 2022, the Accreditation Center hosted a reception of the delegation of the Mongolian People’s Republic, consisting of representatives of the Presidential Clinic for Civil Servants of Mongolia, the Songdo Hospital and the standardization agency. During the visit, the delegates visited such advanced medical centers as the University Medical Center – Center for Motherhood and Childhood, the Republican Diagnostic Center, the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center, as well as the Hospital for the Administration of the President, the private clinic “Astana Ecolife” and the international technopark “Astana HUB”. During the tracers, advanced solutions of medical centers and procedures for fulfilling national accreditation standards were demonstrated. Since April 2020, the Mongolian People’s Republic has been studying quality standards for Kazakh medical organizations and implementing them in its activities.